2022 Refiner’s Compliance Report
(Published in January 2023)
In order to comply with the requirements of the "London Bullion Market Association Responsible Silver Guidelines", our company has established a strong management system, adopted the supply chain due diligence method to identify and assess risks for all suppliers, and formulated the management of high-risk supply chains. strategies to ensure that supply chain risks are within an acceptable range, and through independent third-party audits to ensure that the company's silver supply chain fully complies with the LBMA Responsible Silver Guidance.
This report summarizes the compliance of MINSHAN ENVIRONMENT ENERGY HIGH TECH CO., LTD. in the fiscal year 2022 (January 1, 2022-December 31, 2022) with the requirements of the < LBMA Responsible Silver Guidance>.
Location: | Long’an District Industrial Park, Anyang City, Henan Province, China |
Reporting year-end: | December 31th, 2022 |
Date of Report | January 20th, 2023 |
Senior management responsible for this report | Mr. Chen Yanwei/Compliance Director |
公司概況 Company Overview |
岷山創立于20世紀90年代,是一家集城市礦山開發、危廢固廢資源綜合回收循環再利用、有色及稀貴金屬清潔生產、高新材料和智慧能源為一體的循環經濟生態企業。岷山以具有自主知識產權的“底吹熔煉-熔融還原-富氧揮發”技術為核心,配套廢舊鉛酸電池資源再生利用、煙氣回收制酸及有色稀貴金屬提純生產線,產品是用于高端裝備制造、智能制造、電子信息行業和軍工航天核電等領域的高純鉛、電子級硫酸、鋅合金、黃金、白銀、銅、銻、鉍等有色稀貴金屬。 經歷了20多年的發展,岷山已經成為行業內技術成熟的環保企業。其“底吹熔煉-熔融還原-富氧揮發”技術為國家發改委低碳技術創新及產業化示范工程項目。 Founded in the 1990s, Minshan is a circular economy ecological enterprise integrating urban mine development, comprehensive recovery and recycling of hazardous waste and solid waste resources, clean production of non-ferrous and precious metals, high-tech materials and smart energy. Minshan takes the "bottom blowing smelting-smelting reduction-oxygen-rich volatilization" technology with independent intellectual property rights as the core, and is equipped with waste lead-acid battery resource recycling, flue gas recovery acid production and non-ferrous rare metal purification production lines. High-purity lead, electronic grade sulfuric acid, zinc alloy, gold, silver, copper, antimony, bismuth and other non-ferrous rare and precious metals in high-end equipment manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing, electronic information industry, military aerospace nuclear power and other fields. After more than 20 years of development, Minshan has become an environmental protection enterprise with mature technology in the industry. Its "bottom blowing smelting-smelting reduction-oxygen-rich volatilization" technology is a low-carbon technology innovation and industrialization demonstration project of the National Development and Reform Commission.
1. 白銀冶煉和精煉生產工序 1. Silver Smelting and Refining Processes 2022年白銀冶煉的主要原料來源于公司鉛系統的鉛陽極泥。公司的鉛錠的生產原料主要為鉛/銀精礦,約18%的鉛精礦從國外進口,余下的82%從國內采購。 The main raw material of silver smelting is lead anode slime from the lead system of the company. The company’s main raw material for lead ingots is lead concentrate,about 18% of the company's lead concentrate are imported, and the remaining 82% are sourced domestically. 鉛陽極泥處理的工藝流程主要是“陽極泥火焰爐還原熔煉—貴鉛分銀爐氧化熔煉—銀電解—鑄錠” The silver smelting and refining process include anode slime reduction smelting in reducing furnace→ oxidation smelting in silver separator furnace → silver electrolysis refining → bar casting”.
2. 白銀產品規格 2. Silver product specifications 我們公司生產出的銀錠有兩種規格分別是15千克±1千克和30千克±2千克。銀含量不低于99.99%,質量標準符合國標GB/T 4135-2016中關于IC-Ag99.99的規定。在2022年我們公司銀錠產量128955公斤。 The silver ingots produced by our company have two specifications: 15kg±1kg and 30kg±2kg. The silver content is not less than 99.99%, and the quality standard conforms to the provisions of the national standard GB/T 4135-2016 on IC-Ag99.99. In 2022, our company's silver ingot production is 128955 kilograms. |
第一步:建立強大的公司供應商管理體系 Step 1: Establish strong company supplier management systems |
合規聲明 我們完全符合第一步:建立強大的管理體系 Compliance Statement with Requirement: We have fully with Step 1: Establish strong Supplier management systems. |
公司政策Company Policy |
合規陳述: 公司于2019年12月15日發布了《LBMA負責任白銀供應鏈盡職調查管理體系》,該政策符合經合組織《來自受沖突影響和高風險地區的礦石負責任供應鏈盡職調查指南》附件 II 中規定。體系中規定了白銀供應鏈盡職調查政策、內部的組織構架及責任、盡職調查流程、白銀供應鏈的風險識別方法、評判標準以及管理策略,此外還規定了白銀供應鏈盡職調查培訓、供應鏈追溯系統、記錄的保存期限、交易監控等事宜。 我司的白銀供應鏈盡職調查政策嚴格禁止白銀供應商有如下行為: 1. 人權侵犯行為,包括使用童工、酷刑、非人道以及侮辱人格對待方式、廣泛的使用暴力或其他嚴重反人權強迫勞動、戰爭罪、反人類罪或種族滅絕罪; 2. 向非法武裝組織或向通過供應鏈非法控制礦區、交易商、其他中介機構、運輸線路的公共或私人安全部隊提供直接或間接支持,或在整個供應鏈內非法征稅或敲詐錢財或礦產品(“非法武裝組織、公共或私人安全部隊”); 3. 通過賄賂或欺詐掩蓋白銀原產地; 4. 為遵照政府有關來自受沖突及高風險區域的礦產品的提取、貿易及出口稅費要求; 5. 洗錢或恐怖主義融資; 6. 資助沖突; 7. 從事高風險經營業務,例如武器、賭博、古董和藝術品、教派和其領導人; 8. 受益人是政治敏感人物或通緝人員; 9.不符合環保和可持續發展的合法要求。 官網公示網址: http://www.shentongwa.com/news/16_516
Compliance statement: The company has established the "LBMA Responsible Silver Supply Chain Due Diligence Management System" on December 15th, 2019, which is consistent with the model set out in Annex II of OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas. The system included the silver supply chain due diligence policy, internal organizational structure and responsibilities, due diligence process, and silver supply chain risks Identification methods, evaluation criteria, and management strategies. In addition, it also stipulates the silver supply chain due diligence training, supply chain traceability system, record retention period, transaction monitoring and other matters. According to the system requirements, documents were generated such as "Risk Assessment Method and Evaluation Form" and "Action Strategy". In 2022, our company completed the due diligence of all silver suppliers in strict accordance with the requirements of the system, and conducted risk identification and evaluation to effectively control the risks of the silver supply chain. Our silver supply chain due diligence policy strictly prohibits silver suppliers from doing the following: All Silver-bearing minerals provided to your company are legitimate (the silver bars purchased from your company are used for legal purposes), which does not involve the following situations: 1. Systematic or widespread human rights abuses associated with the extraction, transport or trade of silver, including worst forms of child labor, any forms of torture, inhuman and degrading treatments, widespread sexual violence or other gross human rights violation forced or compulsory labor, war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide; 2. Direct or indirect support to illegitimate non-state armed groups, public or private security forces which illegally control mines sites, traders, others intermediaries, transport routes through the supply chains or illegally tax or extort money or minerals through the supply chains; 3. Bribery and fraudulent misrepresentation of the origin of silver; 4. Non-compliance with taxes, fees and royalties due to Governments related to mineral extraction, trade and export from conflict affected and high-risk areas; 5. Money laundering or terrorism financing; 6. Contribution to conflict; 7. Higher-risk business activity such as arms, gaming and casino industry, antiques and art, sects and their leaders; 8. Upstream companies or their beneficial owners with significant influence are PEPs; 9.Not comfort to the legal requirement for environmental protection and sustainable development. The official website is published: http://www.shentongwa.com/news/16_516
管理架構Internal management structure |
合規陳述: 根據體系要求,我們設立了專門的管理團隊,包括一名合規總監、一名合規經理以及6名合規組成員,并明確了所有人的職責。合規相關人員的任職通告在公司官網http://www.shentongwa.com/news/16_515. 合規總監:公司授權的高級管理者,對外根據我公司原料采購政策和公司的生產、財務以及銷售情況等實際情況需要負責審批與供應商合作合同的簽訂(包括是否與高風險供應商合作的合同簽訂),并負責對供應商進行合規審查相關事宜。對內高級管理者根據LBMA負責任的白銀指南文件,對相關員工進行培訓,使相關負責人清楚的理解這一體系的目的和意義,明白自己在盡職調查政策實施中的職責。 合規經理:協助高級管理人員全面負責白銀供應鏈盡職調查及分辨供應商的原料產地是否涉及高風險地區的相關事務,對白銀供應鏈上的所有事情負責,確保能夠在知情的情況下避免與高風險供應鏈的合作或交易時采取了恰當的措施,提交風險評估報告;被判定為低風險的客戶保持合作,高風險的客戶將會暫停合作直到對方提供相應證明文件或整改后恢復合作關系。合規經理有義務就責任供應鏈方面進行培訓,起草和更新白銀供應鏈政策,為高級管理者履責提供準確的信息。 原材料采購中心(國內和國外),確保礦粉、原材料供應的長期性、穩定性、安全性,并拒絕與高風險地區的相關企業、組織或國家合作。 質檢中心對采購含銀原料進行過磅稱重,化驗;生產部負責原料的出入庫記錄在ERP系統中保存。 貴金屬事業部負責對產出銀錠進行稱重、打標記錄,車間組織投料生產并做好投料記錄和產出銀錠記錄,在生產過程中采用封閉式流程及ERP系統,確保白銀生產加工的安全性與可追溯性。 生產部負責與原料采購中心結合,保證含銀原料接收的準確性,貴金屬事業部負責對白銀銷售前的數量的統計,保證白銀實物出廠的安全性。 營銷中心需根據合規經理給出的相應客戶的風險報告(非高風險客戶)對交貨人身份信息進行確認,并在交易過程中,采用監督機制確保交易的安全性。 2022年度,管理團隊嚴格按照體系文件要求對所有白銀供應商進行了盡職調查,合規經理對所有調查結果進行了監督和審核,確保所有含銀物料供應商在合作前都滿足LBMA要求并得到合規總監的批準。 Compliance Statement: According to the system requirements, we have set up a special management team, including a compliance director, a compliance manager and 6 compliance team members, and clarified the responsibilities of all. The appointment notice of compliance-related personnel is available on the company's official website http://www.shentongwa.com/news/16_515. Compliance Director: A senior manager authorized by the company, who is responsible for approving the signing of cooperation contracts with suppliers (including whether to cooperate with high-risk suppliers) according to the company's raw material procurement policy and the company's production, financial and sales conditions. Contract signing), and is responsible for matters related to compliance review of suppliers. Internal senior managers train relevant employees in accordance with the LBMA Responsible Silver Guidelines document, so that the relevant persons in charge clearly understand the purpose and significance of the system and their responsibilities in the implementation of the due diligence policy. Compliance Manager: Assist senior management to take overall responsibility for due diligence of the silver supply chain and identify whether the origin of raw materials of suppliers involves related matters in high-risk areas, be responsible for all matters in the silver supply chain, and ensure that they can avoid conflict with others in an informed way. Appropriate measures have been taken during cooperation or transactions in high-risk supply chains, and risk assessment reports have been submitted; customers who are judged to be low-risk will continue to cooperate, and high-risk customers will suspend cooperation until the other party provides corresponding supporting documents or rectifies the relationship. Compliance managers are obliged to train on responsible supply chains, draft and update silver supply chain policies, and provide accurate information for senior managers to fulfill their responsibilities. The raw material procurement center (domestic and foreign) ensures the long-term, stable and safe supply of mineral powder and raw materials, and refuses to cooperate with relevant enterprises, organizations or countries in high-risk areas. The quality inspection center weighs and tests the purchased silver-containing raw materials; the production department is responsible for the incoming and outgoing records of raw materials and saves them in the ERP system. The Precious Metals Division is responsible for the weighing and marking records of the output silver ingots. The workshop organizes the production of materials and makes records of the material input and the output of silver ingots. The closed process and ERP system are used in the production process to ensure the safety of silver production and processing. and traceability. The production department is responsible for combining with the raw material procurement center to ensure the accuracy of receiving silver-containing raw materials, and the precious metal business department is responsible for the statistics of the quantity of silver before sales to ensure the safety of the physical silver. The marketing center needs to confirm the identity information of the delivery person according to the risk report of the corresponding customer (non-high-risk customer) given by the compliance manager, and use a supervision mechanism to ensure the security of the transaction during the transaction process. In 2022, the management team conducted due diligence on all silver suppliers in strict accordance with the requirements of the system documents, and the compliance manager supervised and reviewed all the findings to ensure that all suppliers of silver-containing materials met the LBMA requirements and obtained compliance before cooperation. approval of the Director of Regulations. |
可追溯系統和其他供應鏈參與者的識別Traceability and identification of other supply chain actors |
合規陳述: 公司根據管理體系要求,確定了供應鏈追溯體系,在業務過程中,使用ERP系統收集和保存所有供應商提供的信息,包括合同評審表、合同文本、結算方式、運輸過程、重量和檢驗報告、生產日期、入庫時間等。 海外礦粉根據海關進口報關單或提單,可以了解到礦粉的原產國及周轉國的情況;國內礦粉來源部分來源于礦山并在KYC及交易的合同中體現,另一部分國內礦粉由貿易商供給出于商業保密的考慮,這部分貿易商做出口頭承諾礦粉源頭來自于國內礦山;通過盡職調查和后續的ERP系統鏈條互相配合,我們可以從成品追溯到原料、從原料追溯到成品,并能追溯每個供應商每批產品的采購合同,根據合同內容可以追溯包括貴金屬類型、采購重量、分析報告以及相關盡職調查文件等信息。 Compliance Statement: According to the requirements of the management system, the company has determined the supply chain traceability system. During the business process, the ERP system is used to collect and save the information provided by all suppliers, including the contract review form, contract text, settlement method, transportation process, weight and inspection report, Production date, storage time, etc. According to the customs import declaration or bill of lading, overseas ore fines can know the country of origin and turnover country of ore fines; part of the source of domestic ore fines comes from mines and is reflected in the KYC and transaction contracts, and the other part of domestic ore fines is sourced from For the sake of commercial confidentiality, these traders make an export commitment that the source of mineral powder comes from domestic mines; through due diligence and the cooperation of the subsequent ERP system chain, we can trace the finished product to the raw material, and trace the raw material to the raw material. The finished product can be traced back to each supplier’s purchase contract for each batch of products. According to the contract content, information including precious metal type, purchase weight, analysis report and related due diligence documents can be traced. |
培訓Training |
合規陳述: 公司定期組織所有關于白銀相關部門進行培訓,2022年度共計進行了兩次培訓。 1. 2022年7月7日,LBMA負責任白銀供應鏈盡職政策及管理體系; 2. 2022年11月20日,LBMA負責任白銀供應鏈盡職調查管理體系; 培訓后進行了效果評價。
Compliance Statement: The company regularly organizes training for all departments related to silver, and a total of two trainings were conducted in 2022. 1. July 7, 2022, LBMA Responsible Silver Supply Chain Due Diligence Management System; 2. On November 20, 2022, LBMA Responsible Silver Supply Chain Due Diligence Management System. The effect evaluation was carried out after the training. |
記錄保留Records keeping |
合規陳述: 根據公司<白銀供應鏈盡職調查管理體系>要求,所有供應商相關文檔,包括盡職調查文件、風險評估表、合規文件、合同文本、檢驗記錄以及出入庫記錄等均至少保存五年。
Compliance statement: According to the management system requirements, all supplier-related documents, including due diligence documents, risk assessment forms, compliance documents, contract texts, inspection records, and warehouse records are kept for at least five years. |
交易付款和交易監控Transaction Payment & Monitoring |
合規陳述: 公司所有業務均通過官方銀行渠道收款和付款,沒有任何現金交易。國外進口產品結算是通過T/T付款,國內是通過銀行轉賬付款。 根據管理體系要求,我們對每批白銀產品都進行交易監督,保留相關付款憑證。合規專員負責交易監控工作,對不符或以任何形式疑似不符的交易背景進行檢查,并書面確認調查結果,報告給合規總監。 2022年度沒有發現不符及任何形式不符的情況。 Compliance Statement: All business of the company is collected and paid through official bank channels without any cash transactions. The settlement of foreign imported products is paid by T/T, and the domestic payment is by bank transfer. According to the requirements of the management system, we conduct transaction supervision on each batch of silver products and keep relevant payment vouchers. The compliance officer is responsible for transaction monitoring, checking the background of transactions that are inconsistent or suspected to be inconsistent in any form, confirm the findings in writing, and report to the compliance director. In 2022, no discrepancies or any form of discrepancies were found. |
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