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關于LBMA負責任白銀的公告Announcement on LBMA Responsible Silver Sourcing

時間:2024-04-24 瀏覽:566次


Announcement on LBMA Responsible Silver Sourcing

為加強冶煉廠白銀供應鏈合規性管理,根據《LBMA 負責任白銀指南》的 要求,確保冶煉廠的供應鏈無侵犯人權、洗錢及恐怖分子籌資等行為。我司制 定了含銀物料和銷售審查制度,凡我司的供應商和買家都應配合公司盡職調查 小組的審查。各供應商應遵守國家相關法律法規,對供應的白銀確保來源和去 向合規。我公司只與合規的供應鏈合作方合作,對不符合《LBMA 負責任白銀 指南》要求的合作方堅決予以抵制!請各供應商嚴格遵守本公司白銀供應鏈管 理制度,請社會各界及公司全體員工監督,對違規操作進行舉報,允許匿名舉報!

To enhance the compliance management of the silver supply chain of the refinery, and ensure that the supply chain of the refinery does not involve any behaviors of infringement of human rights, money laundering and terrorist financing, we have formulated the silver-containing material sales and review system as required in the LBMA Responsible Silver Guidance, and all of our suppliers and buyers must cooperate with the review by our due diligence team. All suppliers are required to observe relevant national laws and regulations and ensure the source and destination compliance of silver supplied. We will cooperate with conforming supply chain partners only and will determinedly reject those not in compliance with the LBMA Responsible Silver Guidance! All suppliers are requested to strictly observe our silver supply chain management system. All sectors of society and all of our employees are welcome to supervise the compliance and report violations. Anonymous reporting is allowed!


Reporting Tel.:0372-5258086


職務        Title

姓名     Name

電話    Tel.

郵箱              Email


高級管理員Senior Manager

陳嫣偉     Chen Yanwei




It is hereby declared!



                                                          MINSHAN  ENVIRONMENTAL ENERGY HIGH TECH CO., LTD.


                                                           March 11, 2024 

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